wes craven

Brain Dead Radio’s Top 15 Death Scenes
by Rob Hughes • Awesome Stuff, Movies • Tags: a nightmare on elm street, alex aja, brains, corey feldman, corey haim, creepshow 2, Crispin Glover, Critters, dawn of the dead, day of the dead, dead alive, death proof, dream warriors, fatkid, final destination 2, fred dekkar, freddy krueger, friday the 13th, friday the 13th part 7, george romero, gremlins, halloween 3, henry rollins, high tension, hitler, horace, house, house of 1000 corpses, inglourious basterds, james gunn, jason x, jaws, killes, last house on the left, maniac, michael myers, mirror, night of the living dead, peter jackson, punks, quentin tarantino, quint, reservoir dogs, return of the living dead, rob zombie, season of the witch, send more paramedics, silver shamrock, simon birch, Simon Says, sleeping bag kill, slither, steven speilberg, tarman, the devil's rejects, the Lost boys, the monster squad, tom savini, top death scenes, top kills, troma, tromeo and juliet, vampires, wes craven, wrong turn 2, zombies
If you visit this site on a regular basis (or listen to any of our amazing podcasts) then it should be of no surprise that Ceej and I are huge fans of the horror genre. The BDR/PodCaust empire was founded on our mutual love of horror movies. From our old school favorites such as The […]