
BDRCADE – LEFT 4 DEAD 2 – The Clever Girl Edition – The Passing Campaign
by Rob Hughes • BDRCADE, Left 4 Dead 2 • Tags: horror, Left 4 Dead, left 4 dead 2, livestreaming, pc gaming, pc mods, starcraft 2, steam, twitch.tv, velociraptor, video games, xbox, Xbox 360, zombies
Welcome to another episode of BDRCADE. In this episode I go through The Passing campaign in the game Left 4 Dead 2 with some mods installed for good measure. I hope you enjoy watching Velociraptors slice through zombies like butter as much as I enjoyed playing it.

BDRCADE – Left 4 Clever Girl – Dead Center Campaign
by Rob Hughes • BDRCADE, Left 4 Dead 2 • Tags: dota, dota2, horror, left 4 dead 2, live streaming, pc gaming, sc, starcraft 2, starcraft stream, twitch.tv, video games, Xbox 360, zombies
Thanks to technology, Ceej and I are able to stream our super entertaining gaming sessions live over the internet so you awesome people can watch us and interact with us LIVE.

The Second Annual Brain Dead Radio “Christwanzaanukkahestivus Holiday Gift Guide!” Extravaganza
by Rob Hughes • Awesome Stuff, Movies, Music, Toys and Board Games • Tags: adventure time, aliens, bane, batarang, batman, Bill and Ted, blu ray, cabin in the woods, cards against humanity, chess, coasters, dark knight rises, dexter, documentary, freddy krueger, horror, horror movies, jaws, jenga, knex, mario decals, mars attacks!, mass effect, minecraft, movies, mr.beer, never sleep again, nintendo, operation, robert kirkmanm, robopocalypse, robots, sci-fi, secret broadcast, sexbots, super mario brothers, super mario decals, the walking dead, video games, walking dead, wiiu, xbox, xbox360, Xcom, zombie cookie jar, zombies
Sometimes it’s hard to find that perfect gift and we’re here to help. Since our first Gift Guide went over so well, we decided to bring it back this year. Just click on the image to be taken to Amazon to purchase it! A small bit of disclosure first,: I do receive a very small […]

You Should Watch This: Proxy: A Slender Man Story
by Rob Hughes • Awesome Stuff, Awesome Videos • Tags: blackboxtv, halloween, horror, horror movies, proxy, short film, slender, slender man
It’s not a secret that I’m a huge fan of the internet created Slender Man mythology as I wrote about it here a while back. There have been countless videos released utilizing the story in different ways. Most are self-indulgent Blair Witch wannabes, which is a shame as Slender Man could be an amazing movie […]