80’s movies

Animated Gif of the Day
by Rob Hughes • Animated Gif, Awesome Stuff • Tags: 80's movies, action, arm wrestling, geek, geeks, nerd, nerds, over the top, podcast, podcasts, robert loggia, sly stallone

You Should Watch This: City of Crime AKA Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd Rap
by Rob Hughes • Awesome Stuff, Awesome Videos • Tags: 80's movies, cops, dan aykroyd, dragnet, hip-hop, rap, rituals, superbowl shuffle, tom hanks, white boy rap
From the “hit” movie Dragnet comes this slice of 80’s awkwardness. The Notorious T-Hanks and Downtown Danny A perform an awkward rap that fits right up there with the Superbowl Shuffle. Enjoy.