You Should Watch This: Beastie Boys – Sabotage / MCA tribute
by Rob Hughes • Awesome Stuff, Awesome Videos • Tags: 70's cops, ad rock, beastie boys, cops and robbers, kids, little kids, mca, sabotage
James Winters decided to film his kids and his nephew having, what looks like, the time of their lives while at the same time paying tribute to one of the greats. My parents only filmed my lame piano recitals. Good on you James Winters, good on you.

You Should Watch This: Disassembled
by Rob Hughes • Awesome Stuff, Awesome Videos • Tags: daredevil, doc ock, fantastic four, human torch, Iron Man, kingpin, loki, marvel, mr. fantastic, nick fury, spider-man, sue richards, the thing, thor, tony stark, venom
From the mind of animator, Junaid Chundriga, comes this short animation of Marvel’s superheroes having a bad day. It’s like if Marvel let John K. run wild with the designs. The Human Torch’s face is still my favorite bit although Venom is a close second.

Dead Shadows Trailer
by Rob Hughes • Uncategorized
Dead Shadows, not to be confused with Dark Shadows, looks like it could a pretty fun horror flick. Sex, tentacles, gore, and the end of the world. Looks good to me.