“G.I. Joe – The Movie” (1987) – Everyone that I knew growing up in the 80’s loved/liked G.I. Joe big time (with the exception of dudes that played with stuffed animals).
“Mi Vida Loca” (1993) – Being a cholo/a in the late 80’s early 90’s was equivalent to being a hipster today, everyone wanted something to do with it. This movie embodies the true ignorance and stupidity of the Eastside Los Angeles gang bang lifestyle. I loved this movie as a tween, it doesn’t hold up, […]
YES. According to the Wall Street Journal blog, Speakeasy, Ridley is back to direct the Blade Runner sequel. He told the blog, “I think I’m close to finding a writer that might be able to help me deliver. We’re quite a long way in, actually.”
Channing Tatum seems to be an actual human being instead of a piece of wood, skinny Jonah Hill still creeps me out, and not one sighting of Johnny Depp. All of that said, this looks surprisingly fun.
I’m one of the few people who totally loved the original G.I. JOE so when it was announced that THE GODDAMN ROCK was going to be in the new Joe flick, my excitement went through the roof. Here’s Dwayne on the set explaining who Roadblock is and why he is a BAMF. UPDATE: Click […]