“G.I. Joe – The Movie” (1987) – Everyone that I knew growing up in the 80’s loved/liked G.I. Joe big time (with the exception of dudes that played with stuffed animals).
I was one of the crazy people who bought the 3DS on launch day for 250 bucks with no games but Nintendogs. Let that sink in. Now you can buy a kickass system in either FIERY RED or ZELDA PIMP BLACK AND GOLD with your choice of Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 3D […]
Masters of the Universe. G.I Joe. Transformers. Three of the biggest cartoons of the 80s. Each of them had a live-action feature film, numerous toy lines, and each have come back in a major way over the last ten years. And then there is Thundercats. Just as big as those other three, but seriously lacking […]