Movie of the Day – Batman Returns


From Batman ReturnsBuy it here

Batman Returns is my favorite Batman film from the Burton universe.  Even though the movie isn’t about Batman for the most part (it’s Oswald’s flick) this movie holds a special place in my heart for it is the movie that turned me onto women with deep seeded issues who have a thing for latex.  That and it just works for me in so many ways.  HOLY BULLET POINTS BATMAN!:

  • Michael Keaton is by far the best Batman.  Sorry Mr. Bale.
  • The choice to turn the Penguin into a mutant freak.  I know it goes against the comics, but DeVito sells it hard.
  • Chris Walken as Max Shreck.
  • Danny Elfman’s score
  • This scene:
  • “Dear Penguin. The children regret they are unable to attend – Batman.”
  • A bunch of penguins suited up for war will always be entertaining.
  • Our first introduction to Catwoman: